Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I have been cooking boring meals lately. I'm not sure why really. I need your help !! Share the wonderful fall recipes you have been fixing.

Tonight the guys are rehearsing in the studio and I wanted to have something different for them to snack on. While this time of year I love anything and everything pumpkin I decided on Pumpkin Spiced Spread with graham crackers. Yummmmmmmm. It is so good. If I were making this just for us I would use reduced fat or even fat free cream cheese but tonight I choose the high test stuff.
I imagine this could be served with muffins for breakfast or even bagels should you prefer.

Pumpkin Spice Spread

8 oz. cream cheese
1/2 cup pumpkin (canned is fine)
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice (see 9/17 post)
2 Tbsp. brown sugar
1 Tbsp. granulated sugar

Combine all the ingredients in a medium bowl and beat until smooth.

Last night Ronnie talked me into fried chicken again for supper. I mentioned earlier he has been on a fried chicken kick. Last night was a bit disappointing though, for some reason the crust wanted to fall off the chicken in the pan. I had the oil plenty hot before adding the chicken so I'm not really certain what happened. Any ideas?

I have started to make my Thanksgiving lists. I am a chronic list maker. Tasks on my google calender, tasks on my outlook calendar which syncs to my blackberry and the ever present "to do" list. I love the sense of accomplishment of completing my list.

This reminds me of one Thanksgiving about 10 years ago that I had posted the menu and names of guests in two columns on the refrigerator and failed to take it down before the guests arrived. Ragan had asked her co-worker Karen to share Thanksgiving with us that night as her family was in another state. She saw my list taped to the refrigerator and saw her name beside macaroni and cheese. She was mortified. She thought she was asked to bring the macaroni and cheese and Ragan had failed to tell her. I thought the whole thing was kinda amusing as I am adamant about preparing the entire meal myself.

So, until tomorrow.........

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