Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New Addition To The Blog Tonight

Check out the new addition on the right side. Things that make me smile.
I decided to list some of the things that make me smile in hopes that you would do the same.
Just hit the comment button and share your favorite simple things. It will be fun, trust me.
Until Tomorrow............


  1. Always, my looking at the world thru my daughters eyes.The others are, reading a GOOD book.First cup of coffee,My cool leather couch during a "hot flash", Sunny sping days, The smell of freshly mowed grass,Kiawah Island memories,My furry pets,My Cherished friends,Doris`s homemade chocalate oatmeal cookies (gifts)Laughter, Losing weight, Walking a mile easily.Being a non-smoker!Being just out of the shower clean.Recieving good e-mails or card, Christmas cards,Hugs fom James,The smell of my mothers perfume.(Estee Lauter)Frying sguash, old stuff (antiques)Compliments from beatiful people, Trips.

  2. Sharon:
    Thank you so very much for sharing.
    Congratulations on joining the ranks of the non-smoking!!! I am proud of you!!

    Loved the Estee Lauder comment, this is what my Mother used to wear in the late 60s' early 70s' too. Great memories.


  3. Seeing my husband smile, such loving parents,
    fresh pineapple, spending time with neices and nephews., great friends, sunny days with the temp not more than 70 degrees, my new truck, when my sister works with me, (she's sooo funny} the smell of crayons ( takes me back to preschool years), SIDE STREET if anyone knows who I am talking about.GOOD FRIED CHICKEN, and the smell of my mom's homemade dressing on Thanksgiving day, green tea and as much as I hate having to go to the gym, I can smile when I have made it through another workout.

  4. Toni:
    Thanks so much for the comment. Anyone who doesn't know SideStreet is missing out, huh?
    The crayons reference was great. I know just what you mean!!

  5. Hey Susan,,I think I got it. It's a blond thing. ---Toni
