Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Vote for Sissy and Texas Hold 'Em

There is a really sweet contest on line over at Cutest Dog Competition. Seeing as how Ronnie and I both get silly over our babies, we of course had to enter Sissy. I would love it if you would click the link below and vote for her.
At any rate, even if you just want to see some precious dogs this site is for you!!
(You can vote once a day).

Tonight is poker night at our house. We are expecting about 10 people for Texas Hold 'Em. We always have such a good time. It doesn't even matter if I lose. Yeah, right!!!

I made cheese wafers as one of the snacks tonight. It has been years since I made them and I had forgotten how good they are. It used to be I never had a party without cheese wafers or cheese straws. To be perfectly honest Mother usually made them for me. I mean it is the Southern thing to serve isn't it?

Krispie Cheese Wafers

2 sticks soft butter
2 cups grated sharp cheese
2 cups plain flour
2 c. Rice Krispies
1/2 t. salt
1/2 t. garlic powder
1/2 t. cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp. sugar

Soften butter and cheese. In mixer add butter, cheese and all other ingredients. Roll into little balls and place on ungreased cookie sheet. Press with a fork. Bake at 325 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes.

So, until tomorrow........
(wish me luck tonight)


  1. I voted,she is so cute!
    Did you win any money??? I had my fingers crossed for ya!

  2. Thanks, Sharon.
    We won't win any money, some doggies have hundreds of votes, but it is fun trying anyway.
