Monday, October 11, 2010

Only 45 Days til Thanksgiving

Nothing really exciting going on around the kitchen the last few days. On Friday, I took a rare sick day and the weekend was a bit slow for me. Feeling mostly better today but still looking for a simple, get out of the kitchen quick supper, so Taco Salad with Avocados it is. It doesn't hurt that it is one of Ronnie's favorites either.

Am I the only one that is getting excited this early about the holidays. You know my affinity for Thanksgiving, it truly is my favorite, but mostly because I have all my family around me for this one special day of the year. The menu changes very little from year to year, if I even think about making even a minor change some certain un-named family members start to come unglued. One faithful Thanksgiving I swirled maple syrup on the top of our traditional pumpkin pies and you would have thought I single handedly ruined the entire holiday. Being the daring type (yeah, right), I want to throw in something a tad different this year. Maybe, bacon roasted Brussels sprouts, or a carrot souffle, even a really good cranberry salad, since I have never been pleased with one I have made so far.

Share your 2010 Thanksgiving ideas with us. I will be posting our menu later once I run it past the voting majority!

So, Until Tomorrow.........,


  1. No Susan---You are not the only one that get's excited about the holiday's. Once they start putting out the Halloween decoration's, buddy it's on!!!! I know Thanksgiving and Christmas is just around the corner. Every year when we come home from our parents for Thanksgiving, Matt turns on the lights. He loves Christmas decorations.
    Got a touch of Thanksgiving on the old taste buds while we were on our beach trip last week. And I might add that it was the sweetest trip we have had in our 32 years of mirrage. Anyway, we went to Boulineaus for lunch one day and had Fried Chicken, green beans, and sweet potatoes from HEAVEN. They were real buttery and layered with chopped pecans on top and the best I have ever had. Now silly me goes and asks the cook of a private owned 4 block buffet, for the recipe. I must not speak very clear. It was cute, he said "Mam, it's not gonna happen. We both laughed. I don't have the recipe, but I do know I have tasted the best ever. Most people go to the Beach for Fish. I would go back for the sweet potatoes anytime. So if you are ever in Cherry Grove you must go to Boulineau's. Look at their Link for their awesome lineup.----
    Boulineaus IGA at Cherry Grove South Carolina

  2. Toni ~
    I am so happy that you had great time on this long overdue trip.
    Tell us a bit more about the sweet potatoes and maybe some of the wonderful cooks here can help you re-create this dish. After all, we could all use another Thanksgiving side.

